9:30 am -
8:45 am
Registration & Networking
9:30 am -
9:30 am
Welcome and Introductions from the Master of Ceremonies
Mr Chris Aldren, Consultant ENT Surgeon
9:30 am -
9:40 am
Keynote: How the Responsible use of AI can make an NHS Fit for the Future
Hulya Mustafa, Director of Digital Policies and Programmes in the Department of Health and Social Care
12:10 pm -
10:05 am
Robotics in Interventional Oncology
Dr Ed Johnston, Academic Consultant in Interventional Oncology, Royal Marsden NHSFT and Institute of Cancer Research Biomedical Research Centre
12:10 pm -
10:30 am
GoodSAM – Combining Community / Technology (and AI!) to Support Health and Emergency Services
Mark Wilson, Neurosurgeon, Pre-Hospital Specialist and Medical Director / Co-Founder GoodSAM
11:00 am -
10:55 am
Refreshments & Networking
11:00 am -
11:15 am
The Trials and Tribulations of Building a New Medical Robot
Dr Mark Slack, Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer, CMR Surgical
10:20 am -
11:40 am
Digital Consent, and the Possibilities of Learning from Big Data
Mr Edward St John, Co-Founder & Chief Medical Officer – Concentric Health and Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon & Honorary Associate Professor, Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust & University of Portsmouth
12:10 pm -
12:00 pm
The Legal Aspects of Robotic Surgery
Flora McCabe, Head of Advocacy and Risk Management- Healthcare, Lockton Companies
12:10 pm -
12:25 pm
Healthcare 3.0
Ryan Kerstein, Lead for RCS (Eng) I-Hub and Consultant Plastic Surgeon
12:10 pm -
12:50 pm
Lunch & Networking
9:40 am -
1:50 pm
Heidi Health: Leveraging Ambient AI Technology in Healthcare
Oscar Bown, Associate, Heidi Health
11:30 am -
2:15 pm
The AI and Digitally Enabled Future of Health and Medicine, What’s Next?
Daniel Kraft M.D., NextMed Health, Digital.Health & Continuum Health Ventures
11:30 am -
2:35 pm
Towards the Automation of Duodenal Biopsy Diagnosis with a Particular Focus on Coeliac Disease
Florian Jaeckle, Chief Technology Officer, Lyzeum Ltd
11:30 am -
3:10 pm
Tools You Can Trust: Ensuring Patient Safety with Regulated Technology
Steve Lee, Director, Diagnostics and Digital Regulation, ABHI
11:30 am -
3:30 pm
Refreshments & Networking
11:30 am -
3:55 pm
Predicting Joint Replacement Failure from Radiographs and its Wider Application
Mr Vipin Asopa, Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon, Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
11:30 am -
4:15 pm
Finding our way: From Proof of Concept to Production OpenPredictor – AI Clinical Decision Aid for Elective and Planned Care
Professor Mike Reed, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and OPCI.ai
11:30 am -
4:35 pm
Leveraging AI-Powered Analysis for Facilitating Morbidity and Mortality Discussions in Healthcare
Dr Dmitriy Chernov, Chief Medical Information Officer and Dr Noam Roth, ST5 Gastroenterology Registrar, West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
12:50 pm -
5:20 pm
Closing Comments followed by Champagne Reception
Mr Chris Aldren, Consultant ENT Surgeon
6:00 pm
Additional sessions soon to be announced.