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Chris Aldren

Master of Ceremonies

Consultant ENT surgeon

Windsor ENT

Chris is an ear surgeon based in Windsor specialising in hearing restoration. He is the past president of LION (live international otolaryngology network) one of the world's first live streaming surgical websites (www.lionweb.org) He was an early adopter of endoscopes and lasers in ear surgery. He travels throughout the world lecturing and operating.

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Mr Vipin Asopa

Master of Ceremonies

Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon

Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust

Mr. Vipin Asopa PhD FRCS (Tr & Orth) is a consultant hip and knee arthroplasty and soft tissue surgeon, based at the South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre. He completed a PhD in Articular Cartilage Biology at the Kennedy Institute before completing his higher orthopaedic surgical training in North West London. He undertook fellowship training at Sportsmed.SA, Adelaide and The Royal Berkshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Mr. Asopa has received grants for his research work from ORUK (as a primary investigator) and the Gwen Fish Trust for projects including a study titled, ‘The use of Machine Learning in the early detection of failing total hip replacements’.

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Dr Dmitriy Chernov

Master of Ceremonies

Chief Medical Information Officer

West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Dr Dmitriy Chernov serves as Chief Medical Information Officer at West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, where he contributes to the clinical adoption of the Trust's new Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system and digital transformation initiatives. He actively participates in digital governance working groups and supports the Trust's digital training program. His recent projects include piloting AI solutions in Same Day Emergency Care with Heidi Health, developing electronic referral pathways, and creating digital tools for clinical workflow optimisation. Dr Chernov has a keen interest in AI applications in healthcare and is familiar with LLM fine-tuning and quantisation techniques.

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Florian Jaeckle

Master of Ceremonies

Chief Technology Officer

Lyzeum Ltd

Florian is the Chief Technology Officer at Lyzeum Ltd, a Cambridge based health-care spin-out, creating reliable, explainable, and trustworthy Machine Learning solutions diagnosing duodenal biopsies with a particular emphasis on Coeliac Disease.  Florian is also a visiting postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Pathology at the University of Cambridge working with Professor Elizabeth Soilleux. His research there focuses on developing machine learning based technologies to diagnose coeliac disease more accurately.

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Dr Ed Johnston

Master of Ceremonies

Academic Consultant in Interventional Oncology

Royal Marsden NHSFT and Institute of Cancer Research Biomedical Research Centre

Dr Ed Johnston is an Academic Consultant in Interventional Oncology at the Royal Marsden Hospital/Institute of Cancer Research Biomedical Research Centre. He trained in Clinical Radiology on the University College London Hospitals Scheme, obtained his PhD in Magnetic Resonance Imaging from University College London in 2017 and gained subspecialty training in Interventional Radiology at Kings College Hospital. His academic work has ranged from laboratory research to clinical trials, with current focus upon developing, optimising, and integrating promising new technologies into clinical practice. He established the first robotic Interventional Oncology program in the UK at the Royal Marsden Hospital in 2021.

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Ryan Kerstein

Master of Ceremonies

Lead for RCS (Eng) I-Hub and Consultant Plastic Surgeon

Royal College of Surgeons of England

Ryan Kerstein, FRCS (Plast), is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Associate Medical Director for Research and Innovation at Buckinghamshire NHS Trust, driving cutting-edge advancements in healthcare. He leads the Royal College of Surgeons' Future of Surgery Innovation Hub, fostering collaboration and mentoring to integrate transformative technologies into clinical practice. He is also the Editor for the RCS Eng Bulletin Journal.

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Daniel Kraft, M.D.

Master of Ceremonies

NextMed Health, Digital

Health & Continuum Health Ventures

Daniel Kraft is a Stanford and Harvard-trained physician-scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, and investor. With over 25 years of experience in clinical practice, biomedical research and healthcare innovation, Kraft has served as faculty chair for Medicine at Singularity University since its inception in 2008 and is founder and chair of NextMed Health (the evolution of Exponential Medicine), a program that explores convergent, rapidly developing technologies and their potential in biomedicine and healthcare. He is a General Partner with Continuum Health Ventures, funding and catalysing early stage healthtech and healthspan focused startups.

Daniel is a member of the Inaugural class of the Aspen Institute Health Innovators Fellowship and is a member of the Kauffman Fellows Society. He is often called upon to speak to the future of health, medicine and technology and has given four TED and two TEDMED Talks and has delivered keynotes to a diverse array of organisations. He also serves as chair of the XPRIZE Pandemic & Health Alliance and Health Brain Trust.

He is heavily involved in healthtech, founded Digital.Health, and is on the board of several Fortune-50 and digital health-related startups. He is also the inventor of the MarrowMiner, an FDA-approved device for the minimally invasive harvest of bone marrow, and founded RegenMed Systems, a company developing technologies to enable adult stem cell-based regenerative therapies.

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Steve Lee

Master of Ceremonies

Director, Diagnostics and Digital Regulation


After completing his degree in Biochemistry and Biology, Steve trained as a Biomedical Scientist, working in hospital microbiology before moving to industry to work as company microbiologist. Steve joined MHRA in 1996 when it was still the Medical Devices Agency and when the IVD Directive had yet to be implemented. While at MHRA, Steve worked with manufacturers, Notified Bodies, other Competent Authorities, Trade Associations, standards bodies and government departments. Steve was Chair of the European Commission's IVD working group when the IVD regulations where being developed. In 2019, Steve was presented with the TOPRA award for regulatory excellence.

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Flora McCabe

Master of Ceremonies

Head of Advocacy and Risk Management- Healthcare

Lockton Companies

Flora is a 17-year qualified solicitor with a passion for healthcare defence work, ranging from looking after individual consultants and dentists in civil, inquest and regulatory matters to helping large healthcare corporates with proactive risk management strategies and advising on legal tactics on mutli million-pound claims.

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Hulya Mustafa

Master of Ceremonies

Director of Digital Policies and Programmes

Department of Health and Social Care

Hulya Mustafa is the Director of Digital Policies and Programmes in the Department of Health and Social Care. As well as AI, her role covers health tech and digital (including the NHS App and electronic patient records), digital neighbourhood health, digital prevention, and adult social care. She has been a civil servant for over 25 years and covered areas such as local government finance, regeneration, housing and adult social care. She is currently SRO for the NHS’s AI Lab, which runs an awards programme as well as funding various test projects and research into ethics.

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Oscar Bown

Master of Ceremonies


Heidi Health

Oscar is one of the founding members of the UK Heidi team. Joining at such an early stage means wearing many hats - spanning sales, operations, strategy, and support.  He believes that the real challenge isn’t just building a strong product, it’s ensuring clinicians actually use it.

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Noam Roth

Master of Ceremonies



Noam is an ST5 Gastroenterology Registrar at Watford General Hospital. He is passionate about innovation in medicine and the roles that AI can fill in improving patient care, and is part of a team training Large Language Models on a local level to improve internal hospital processes. He has a professional interest in AI applied to endoscopy, and its potential to improve both patient outcomes and healthcare costs.

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Professor Mike Reed

Master of Ceremonies

Professor Mike Reed, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and OPCI.ai

Professor Mike Reed is a full-time trauma and hip and knee joint replacement surgeon. He trained in the North of England and did fellowships in New Zealand.

He leads Trauma and Orthopaedics at Northumbria, working with a team of 31 talented colleagues.

His research focuses on clinical outcomes particularly around short stay surgery as well as infection prevention, diagnosis and management. Professor Reed is on the steering committee and executive of the National Joint Registry (NJR) and Chaired the Annual Report from 2019-2024. He now leads on Surgical Performance for the NJR, is a trustee for the Orthopaedic Research UK charity and is on the grant awards committee for the National Institute Health and Care Research (NIHR) (i4i PDA). He leads clinical trials for industry and NIHR, and works academically with the University of York.

He is leading the openPredictor project which aims to use data and artificial intelligence algorithms to predict the outcome of medical interventions including complications and health gain.

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Mark Slack

Master of Ceremonies

Chief Medical Officer & Co-Founder

CMR Surgical

Mark Slack qualified as a doctor at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. He then completed his postgraduate training at the University of Cape Town. He graduated from the College of Medicine of South Africa in Gynaecology, winning the Daubenton Gold Medal for the most distinguished candidate in the exams in the country.

He was previously head of Gynaecology and Urogynaecology at Addenbrooke's Hospital, University of Cambridge Teaching Hospitals Trust, Cambridge.

Mr. Slack has run an active research unit in Cambridge. He developed and introduced the Sacrospinous Fixation to the UK. This is now the most commonly performed procedure for prolapse in the United Kingdom. He has invented several procedures which were adopted and taken to global launch by international Medical Device companies. He has published over 100 peer reviewed papers, more than 25 book chapters and numerous national guidelines. He is a regular contributor on several National Radio and Television programs.

He is a Co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of CMR Surgical, a start-up company in Cambridge which has developed a novel surgical robot (Versius). This is now the second largest soft tissue robotic company in the world. In 2021 it had the highest private MedTech funding round in the world with a $660 million raise. The subsequent valuation gave it Unicorn status.

He was appointed the Ethicon travelling Professor in 2004 as well as the Sims Black Professorship of the RCOG.. He was recognised by the NIHR in 2015 with an award as one of the leading researchers in the UK for clinical research. In 2018, under his leadership the Urogynaecology unit in Cambridge achieved the highest accreditation score ever awarded by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.  In 2021 he was awarded honorary fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians of Glasgow and the French Academy of Surgeons

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Edward St John

Master of Ceremonies

Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon & Honorary Associate Professor

Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust & University of Portsmouth & Concentric Health

Edward St John, MBBS, BSc, FRCS, PhD Co-founder & Chief Medical Officer – Concentric Health Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon & Honorary Associate Professor Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust & University of Portsmouth Edward St John is a consultant oncoplastic breast surgeon working at Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust and an Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Portsmouth. He is the Co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Concentric Health, an InnovateUK & SBRI supported platform for digital consent & enhanced shared decision making. Concentric is the most used clinical digital consent application in the UK. He is the Partnership Lead of the Innovation Hub for the Royal College of Surgeons, England. He is passionate about healthcare and effective, safe innovation. Amongst other skills he has domain expertise in consent & shared decision making, the evaluation of medical devices and digital health.

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Mark Wilson

Master of Ceremonies

Neurosurgeon, Pre-Hospital Specialist and Medical Director / Co-Founder


I am a Consultant Neurosurgeon and Clinical Professor of Brain Injury at Imperial College and a Flight Physician with Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance. I am also the medical director and co-founder of GoodSAM, a platform that provides cardiac arrest crowdsourcing, instant on scene video and many other solutions to emergency and healthcare services across the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US.

PAST speakers
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Chris Aldren

Consultant ENT surgeon

Chris is an ear surgeon based in Windsor specialising in hearing restoration. He is the past president of LION (live international otolaryngology network) one of the world's first live streaming surgical websites (www.lionweb.org) He was an early adopter of endoscopes and lasers in ear surgery. He travels throughout the world lecturing and operating.

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Peter Rudd-Clarke

Legal Director

Peter Rudd-Clarke specialises in the life sciences and consumer products sectors. He advises on the regulation of medical devices, CE marking, clinical trials, consumer products and ongoing compliance matters. The litigation and risk management side to his practice sees Peter defending manufacturers of complex products, often across multiple jurisdictions.Peter presents and writes articles on issues such as artificial intelligence, supply chains, cross-border litigation, medical device regulations and Brexit. His articles have been published in publications such as Insurance Day, Post Magazine and Insider Quarterly and he has been quoted in the Times and insurance press discussing risk management issues.

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Mr Issaq Ahmed

Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon

Issaq Ahmed is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon based in Edinburgh. His active interests include enhanced recovery following robotic hip and knee replacement surgery.

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Mr Jim Adshead

Consultant Urological Robotic Surgeon

Mr Jim Adshead qualified at Cambridge University and moved into a London training scheme. He completed a six year training programme in urology in the West London teaching hospitals and gained valuable experience in urological cancer and minimally invasive access during a laparoscopic fellowship year in Sydney, Australia. Currently appointed as a Consultant at The Lister Hospital, Stevenage for 10 years. Jim has produced national guidelines in consenting for urological surgery.

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Professor Alan Payne

Chief Information Officer

Alan is a qualified Management Accountant and an Honorary Professor in Intelligent Systems at UCL with over 25 years of experience as a technology leader in Healthcare, Financial Services and as a successful ‘technopreneur’. He has worked on 4 continents with knowledge of globalisation in local health systems, leveraging latest generation Cloud technologies with a passionate purpose to improve health outcomes at scale. Prior to this role, he ran his own company advising Healthcare policy institutions, 13485 regulated medical device and AI Healthcare companies. As a CIO he has also led global technology divisions for Aetna International, Nuffield Health, JPMorganChase, Merrill Lynch and AIG.

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Mr Vipin Asopa

Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon

Mr. Vipin Asopa PhD FRCS (Tr & Orth) is a consultant hip and knee arthroplasty and soft tissue surgeon, based at the South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre. He completed a PhD in Articular Cartilage Biology at the Kennedy Institute before completing his higher orthopaedic surgical training in North West London. He undertook fellowship training at Sportsmed.SA, Adelaide and The Royal Berkshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Mr. Asopa has received grants for his research work from ORUK (as a primary investigator) and the Gwen Fish Trust for projects including a study titled, ‘The use of Machine Learning in the early detection of failing total hip replacements’.

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John Bolger

Consultant Ophthalmologist

Mr Bolger is founder and co-owner of My iClinic, an independent eye hospital in London. He resigned his NHS consultant post in 1994 and has worked independently ever since. He is invited to lecture extensively both in Britain and abroad, and his surgery master classes are very highly rated. “I feel I would regard myself as an “early adopter”. First intraocular lens implants, then phacoemulsification and now, Smile. Small Incision Lenticule Extraction. I am very lucky that I entered ophthalmology just when it was about to undergo a series of revolutionary advances.

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Mr Chris Coulson

CEO / Consultant ENT Surgeon

Chris Coulson is a ENT consultant at the Queen Elizabeth hospital, Birmingham. His fields of interest are endoscopic ear surgery, stapes surgery and cochlear implantation. He has a PhD in robotic surgery. He is the CEO of endoscope-i, a tech start-up company creating and delivering innovative healthcare solutions.

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Dr Dmitriy Chernov

Chief Medical Information Officer

Dr Dmitriy Chernov serves as Chief Medical Information Officer at West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, where he contributes to the clinical adoption of the Trust's new Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system and digital transformation initiatives. He actively participates in digital governance working groups and supports the Trust's digital training program. His recent projects include piloting AI solutions in Same Day Emergency Care with Heidi Health, developing electronic referral pathways, and creating digital tools for clinical workflow optimisation. Dr Chernov has a keen interest in AI applications in healthcare and is familiar with LLM fine-tuning and quantisation techniques.

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Professor Sabine Ernst

Consultant in Cardiology, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust and Professor of Practice in Cardiology

Prof. Ernst is a German cardiac electrophysiologist with a special expertise in complex arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation and ventricular arrhythmia both in paediatric and adult patients. She works at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London and is a Professor of Practice (Cardiology) at the National Heart and Lung Institute of Imperial College. She is one of the pioneers of remote magnetic navigation and has established this technique from its’ initiation to clinical routine using state of the art equipment including advanced 3D mapping techniques. Image integration from 3D acquisitions from magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography assist her in performing her interventions.

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Jaquie Finn

Head of Digital Health

Jaquie is Head of Digital Health at Cambridge Consultants and leads the initiative to provide strategic guidance and technical solutions for clients transitioning their business model to include a digital element. These digital elements include device connectivity, AI, security, launch strategies, behavioural science and digital service design. Jaquie has previously worked on the design and launch of a compliance & work management IoT service that is in commercial use. She has a BSc in Applied Biology, 10 years’ experience in Molecular Biology and 15 years’ experience of Product Management and Marketing for software, hardware and digital services in medical and life science industries that include immunology, ophthalmology, neuroscience and bioinformatics. Jaquie is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).

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Dr Maarten Grootendorst

Clinical Research Lead

Dr Grootendorst has 10 years of experience in clinical research and development at Lightpoint Medical, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital, London and Medisch Spectrum Twente, Netherlands. He has multiple publications on novel technologies for intraoperative cancer detection. He has a PhD from King’s College, London.

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Dr Matthew Howard

Director of Artificial Intelligence

Matthew leads the Deloitte Artificial Intelligence Studio team based in the UK, working cross industry to help clients understand and deliver the opportunities of rapidly evolving advanced data science and automation technologies and move from hype to real use cases and implementation. Matt has extensive experience of working in advanced healthcare technologies, recent experience includes design and deployment of automated patient referrals triage using AI, deployment of chatbots to support shared services and the use of AI to automate patient data processing. He has also worked with international governments on the application of AI and other emerging technologies for the improvement of policy development and provision of public services. His background includes academic research, start-up biotech, Big Pharma, IBM, and Deloitte Innovation. Prior to Deloitte he was the European Head of Watson Health, working with both pharmaceutical and healthcare organizations. Matthew is a member of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence (www.appg-ai.org).

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Florian Jaeckle

Chief Technology Officer

Florian is the Chief Technology Officer at Lyzeum Ltd, a Cambridge based health-care spin-out, creating reliable, explainable, and trustworthy Machine Learning solutions diagnosing duodenal biopsies with a particular emphasis on Coeliac Disease.  Florian is also a visiting postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Pathology at the University of Cambridge working with Professor Elizabeth Soilleux. His research there focuses on developing machine learning based technologies to diagnose coeliac disease more accurately.

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Dr Ed Johnston

Academic Consultant in Interventional Oncology

Dr Ed Johnston is an Academic Consultant in Interventional Oncology at the Royal Marsden Hospital/Institute of Cancer Research Biomedical Research Centre. He trained in Clinical Radiology on the University College London Hospitals Scheme, obtained his PhD in Magnetic Resonance Imaging from University College London in 2017 and gained subspecialty training in Interventional Radiology at Kings College Hospital. His academic work has ranged from laboratory research to clinical trials, with current focus upon developing, optimising, and integrating promising new technologies into clinical practice. He established the first robotic Interventional Oncology program in the UK at the Royal Marsden Hospital in 2021.

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Emma Kislingbury


Emma is an Associate Solicitor at RPC, specialising in Medical/Life Sciences and Product Liability. She acts on a range of cases and represents insurers, private healthcare providers, healthcare practitioners and manufacturers of medical devices and pharmaceutical products in the defence of medical malpractice and product liability claims and in relation to clinical trials. She also represents healthcare organisations and practitioners at inquests, and advises on clinical governance issues, regulatory requirements, indemnity and coverage.

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James Kinross

Senior Lecturer in Colorectal Surgery and Consultant Surgeon

James Kinross is a Senior Lecturer in Surgery at Imperial College London. He performs robotic surgery for colorectal cancer. His group is developing smart sensing surgical instruments based on machine learning of chemical data used during surgery.

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Dr Christopher Kelly

Clinician Scientist

Dr. Christopher Kelly is a clinician scientist working in Google Health’s artificial intelligence imaging and diagnostics team. He focuses on the safe translation of Google’s artificial intelligence research into real clinical impact. Prior to joining Google, he completed a PhD in medical imaging at King’s College London. As a clinician, he created an award-winning smartphone app called NeoMate, used worldwide to support doctors and nurses looking after sick newborn infants. He continues to practise as a paediatrician on the neonatal intensive care unit at St Thomas’ Hospital, London. Alongside medicine, Chris previously founded and sold two internet companies and is an active angel investor in technology startups.

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Ryan Kerstein

Lead for RCS (Eng) I-Hub and Consultant Plastic Surgeon

Ryan Kerstein, FRCS (Plast), is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Associate Medical Director for Research and Innovation at Buckinghamshire NHS Trust, driving cutting-edge advancements in healthcare. He leads the Royal College of Surgeons' Future of Surgery Innovation Hub, fostering collaboration and mentoring to integrate transformative technologies into clinical practice. He is also the Editor for the RCS Eng Bulletin Journal.

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Daniel Kraft, M.D.

NextMed Health, Digital

Daniel Kraft is a Stanford and Harvard-trained physician-scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, and investor. With over 25 years of experience in clinical practice, biomedical research and healthcare innovation, Kraft has served as faculty chair for Medicine at Singularity University since its inception in 2008 and is founder and chair of NextMed Health (the evolution of Exponential Medicine), a program that explores convergent, rapidly developing technologies and their potential in biomedicine and healthcare. He is a General Partner with Continuum Health Ventures, funding and catalysing early stage healthtech and healthspan focused startups.

Daniel is a member of the Inaugural class of the Aspen Institute Health Innovators Fellowship and is a member of the Kauffman Fellows Society. He is often called upon to speak to the future of health, medicine and technology and has given four TED and two TEDMED Talks and has delivered keynotes to a diverse array of organisations. He also serves as chair of the XPRIZE Pandemic & Health Alliance and Health Brain Trust.

He is heavily involved in healthtech, founded Digital.Health, and is on the board of several Fortune-50 and digital health-related startups. He is also the inventor of the MarrowMiner, an FDA-approved device for the minimally invasive harvest of bone marrow, and founded RegenMed Systems, a company developing technologies to enable adult stem cell-based regenerative therapies.

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Dr Yvonne W Lui MD

Associate Professor, Associate Chair

Yvonne W. Lui, MD is Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Radiology at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and the Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences. The program she leads leverages technological advances in machine learning for medical imaging. She serves as the collaboration lead on major AI research partnerships with both academia and industry including NYU Courant Institute and Center for Data Science, Siemens Healthineers, and Facebook AI Research. Dr. Lui is a NIH-funded researcher in translational neuroimaging to study traumatic brain injury. She serves on NIH scientific review committees, is a member of the Standard Setting Committee and is a member of the board of directors of the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR), and Senior Editor for the American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR).

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Steve Lee

Director, Diagnostics and Digital Regulation

After completing his degree in Biochemistry and Biology, Steve trained as a Biomedical Scientist, working in hospital microbiology before moving to industry to work as company microbiologist. Steve joined MHRA in 1996 when it was still the Medical Devices Agency and when the IVD Directive had yet to be implemented. While at MHRA, Steve worked with manufacturers, Notified Bodies, other Competent Authorities, Trade Associations, standards bodies and government departments. Steve was Chair of the European Commission's IVD working group when the IVD regulations where being developed. In 2019, Steve was presented with the TOPRA award for regulatory excellence.

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Brent Mittelstadt

Research Fellow

Brent Mittelstadt is a Research Fellow and British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow in data ethics at the Oxford Internet Institute, a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, and a member of the UK National Statistician’s Data Ethics Advisory Committee. He is a philosopher and data ethicist with a particular focus on the ethical governance of complex algorithmic systems including machine learning, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, Big Data, and medical expert systems.

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Dr Rizwan Malik

Consultant Radiologist and Divisional Medical Director

Dr Rizwan Malik is a leading radiologist with an interest in health tech, digital imaging, and the potential of AI to support clinicians and patients. Rizwan studied medicine in Cambridge and London before qualifying as a radiologist. He joined what is now Bolton NHS Foundation Trust in 2006 and has held a number of increasingly senior roles at the organisation, where he became divisional medical director in 2020. Alongside his career in radiology, he has been a clinical advisor to leading imaging suppliers, and is managing director of South Manchester Radiology, a consultancy that advises the NHS and vendors on transformation and innovation, with a focus on imaging and AI.

Rizwan was instrumental in helping Bolton NHS Foundation Trust to introduce AI for chest x-rays, to help doctors identify deteriorating and improving Covid-19 patients. The project won the HealthTechToShoutAbout award in the Health Tech Awards 2020 as well as the AI in Medicine Best COVID-19 AI Solution 2020.

Rizwan says his priority is to see healthcare make similar gains in the future. “Both the healthcare system and its suppliers need to be asking: how can we go further?” he says.

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Professor Mahmoud Hafez

Professor of Orthopaedics

Prof Mahmoud Hafez is a pioneer in patient-specific instrument (PSI) technology (3D planning & printing for joint replacement). He was initially involved in developing a robot for knee surgery in 1998, with a team of surgeons, engineers and computer scientists from Hull, Dundee, and Loughborough Universities, UK. During his SpR training, he started an MD project at Leeds University in 2001 resulted in developing the novel PSI technique. He learned the theory and practice of navigation, AI, robotics, simulation and VR during his CAOS fellowship in Pittsburgh and Toronto (2004-2006). Currently, he is a Prof & head of the orthopaedic Dept, October 6 University, Cairo. In Egypt, he founded an R&D lab and filed 20 patents for the use of PSI in arthroplasty, tumours, trauma, deformities and infection. Now, he is using PSI routinely for complex and bilateral knee replacement in a cost-effective manner.

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Flora McCabe

Head of Advocacy and Risk Management- Healthcare

Flora is a 17-year qualified solicitor with a passion for healthcare defence work, ranging from looking after individual consultants and dentists in civil, inquest and regulatory matters to helping large healthcare corporates with proactive risk management strategies and advising on legal tactics on mutli million-pound claims.

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Hulya Mustafa

Director of Digital Policies and Programmes

Hulya Mustafa is the Director of Digital Policies and Programmes in the Department of Health and Social Care. As well as AI, her role covers health tech and digital (including the NHS App and electronic patient records), digital neighbourhood health, digital prevention, and adult social care. She has been a civil servant for over 25 years and covered areas such as local government finance, regeneration, housing and adult social care. She is currently SRO for the NHS’s AI Lab, which runs an awards programme as well as funding various test projects and research into ethics.

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Oscar Bown


Oscar is one of the founding members of the UK Heidi team. Joining at such an early stage means wearing many hats - spanning sales, operations, strategy, and support.  He believes that the real challenge isn’t just building a strong product, it’s ensuring clinicians actually use it.

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Rayna Patel

CEO and Co-Founder

Dr Rayna Patel is a medical doctor & neuroscientist (Cambridge, Harvard, MIT, Columbia) with an MPhil in Translational Medicine funded by GSK. She has extensive experience in academia and was a Post-Doctoral Fellow of Clare Hall College, Cambridge. Rayna has subsequently held strategic & commercial roles in government policy, tech startups & the Cabinet Office’s Nudge Unit, where she used behavioural science to rewire patient behaviours through digital products. She is currently CEO and Co-Founder of Vine Health, a digital platform using a combination of behavioural science and AI to improve the quality of life and survival of cancer patients, whilst generating crucial real-world data to better inform healthcare delivery and drug development.

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Dr Michael Persky

Director of Head and Neck Robotic Surgery

Dr. Michael Persky is an Otolaryngologist - Head & Neck Surgeon at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine in New York City. As the Director of Head & Neck Robotic Surgery, Dr. Persky focuses on the utility of robotic surgery in treating patients with head and neck cancer. He has talked nationally and internationally on the subject and is focused on advancing the field as technology forges ahead.

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Dr Danny Ruta

AI Clinical Lead, Guy’s Cancer Centre, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, Honorary Senior Lecturer

Danny is the AI Clinical Lead at the Guy’s Cancer Centre, and a co-director for the newly established Guy’s Cancer AI Clinical Evaluation Unit, a joint venture between the Cancer Centre and the NICE funded King’s Technology Evaluation Centre (KiTEC) at King’s College London.  The aim of the unit is to develop and apply an AI validation framework, evidence standards and methods to the clinical evaluation of AI technology in cancer care.

Danny has formerly held posts as Director of Public health for the London Borough of Lewisham and the City of Newcastle, and as Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology and Health Services Research at Newcastle University and Dundee University. Danny has developed national clinical guidelines for the NHS in Scotland, conducted large randomised trials, and developed Patient Reported Outcome measures recommended by the US FDA, used with patients across the NHS in England and throughout the world.

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Mr Tom Routledge

Consultant in Thoracic Surgery

One of Europe’s leading robotic thoracic surgeons with a strong interest in surgical robotics as a part of multi-disciplinary cancer treatments.

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Dr. Edwin Rajadurai

Managing Director

Dr. Edwin Rajadurai is the Managing Director of Servca. Servca is an independent international specialist Lloyd’s Broker specialising in professional, financial, and medical indemnity insurance and risk management. Having qualified as a medical doctor in 2011, Edwin can apply his clinical knowledge to offer a medical perspective when dealing with underwriters, clients, and stakeholders alike. Edwin expanded the international healthcare liability division, which encompasses Medical Malpractice, Life Sciences & Pharmaceuticals risks throughout the UK, Europe, USA, and Canada. His priority is to provide bespoke advice and support to brokers and their doctor clients on medical malpractice and ensure doctors receive the best policy tailored to them. Servca’s specialist wordings and unique in-house medical knowledge offer comprehensive support to all clients with an educational and personal touch. His commitment, enthusiasm, and innovative approach in assisting medical practitioners and underwriters give him kudos in the London and Lloyd’s market.

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Noam Roth


Noam is an ST5 Gastroenterology Registrar at Watford General Hospital. He is passionate about innovation in medicine and the roles that AI can fill in improving patient care, and is part of a team training Large Language Models on a local level to improve internal hospital processes. He has a professional interest in AI applied to endoscopy, and its potential to improve both patient outcomes and healthcare costs.

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Professor Mike Reed

Professor Mike Reed, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and OPCI.ai

Professor Mike Reed is a full-time trauma and hip and knee joint replacement surgeon. He trained in the North of England and did fellowships in New Zealand.

He leads Trauma and Orthopaedics at Northumbria, working with a team of 31 talented colleagues.

His research focuses on clinical outcomes particularly around short stay surgery as well as infection prevention, diagnosis and management. Professor Reed is on the steering committee and executive of the National Joint Registry (NJR) and Chaired the Annual Report from 2019-2024. He now leads on Surgical Performance for the NJR, is a trustee for the Orthopaedic Research UK charity and is on the grant awards committee for the National Institute Health and Care Research (NIHR) (i4i PDA). He leads clinical trials for industry and NIHR, and works academically with the University of York.

He is leading the openPredictor project which aims to use data and artificial intelligence algorithms to predict the outcome of medical interventions including complications and health gain.

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Mr Paul Sankey

Partner / Solicitor

Paul is a solicitor and partner at Enable Law based in Bristol. He specialises in clinical negligence, acting for patients. He has a particular interest in claims involving adults with brain injuries, amputations, sepsis and the delayed diagnosis of cancer. He lectures and publishes articles regularly on medico-legal issues and has spoken on radio and television. He is involved in training medical experts and giving core training on legal issues to medical professionals. He is recognised as a leader in the field by the independent legal directories Chambers and Legal 500.

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Mark Slack

Chief Medical Officer & Co-Founder

Mark Slack qualified as a doctor at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. He then completed his postgraduate training at the University of Cape Town. He graduated from the College of Medicine of South Africa in Gynaecology, winning the Daubenton Gold Medal for the most distinguished candidate in the exams in the country.

He was previously head of Gynaecology and Urogynaecology at Addenbrooke's Hospital, University of Cambridge Teaching Hospitals Trust, Cambridge.

Mr. Slack has run an active research unit in Cambridge. He developed and introduced the Sacrospinous Fixation to the UK. This is now the most commonly performed procedure for prolapse in the United Kingdom. He has invented several procedures which were adopted and taken to global launch by international Medical Device companies. He has published over 100 peer reviewed papers, more than 25 book chapters and numerous national guidelines. He is a regular contributor on several National Radio and Television programs.

He is a Co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of CMR Surgical, a start-up company in Cambridge which has developed a novel surgical robot (Versius). This is now the second largest soft tissue robotic company in the world. In 2021 it had the highest private MedTech funding round in the world with a $660 million raise. The subsequent valuation gave it Unicorn status.

He was appointed the Ethicon travelling Professor in 2004 as well as the Sims Black Professorship of the RCOG.. He was recognised by the NIHR in 2015 with an award as one of the leading researchers in the UK for clinical research. In 2018, under his leadership the Urogynaecology unit in Cambridge achieved the highest accreditation score ever awarded by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.  In 2021 he was awarded honorary fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians of Glasgow and the French Academy of Surgeons

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Edward St John

Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon & Honorary Associate Professor

Edward St John, MBBS, BSc, FRCS, PhD Co-founder & Chief Medical Officer – Concentric Health Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon & Honorary Associate Professor Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust & University of Portsmouth Edward St John is a consultant oncoplastic breast surgeon working at Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust and an Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Portsmouth. He is the Co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Concentric Health, an InnovateUK & SBRI supported platform for digital consent & enhanced shared decision making. Concentric is the most used clinical digital consent application in the UK. He is the Partnership Lead of the Innovation Hub for the Royal College of Surgeons, England. He is passionate about healthcare and effective, safe innovation. Amongst other skills he has domain expertise in consent & shared decision making, the evaluation of medical devices and digital health.

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Professor Vinidh Paleri

Consultant ENT Surgeon

Vinidh is a Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon at The Royal Marsden Hospitals and Professor of Robotic and Endoscopic Head and Neck Surgery at the Institute of Cancer Research, London. He has expertise in Transoral Robotic Surgery and Transoral Laser Microsurgery for head and neck cancers. He has pioneered a new robotic technique to remove radiorecurrent and radioresidual cancers and is the first surgeon in the UK to perform robotic free flap reconstructions. He is the primary or co-recipient for over £3 million in grant funding, has published over 170 papers, and co-edited the fourth and fifth editions of the UK National Head and Neck Cancer Multidisciplinary Management Guidelines. He has also edited the volume on “Head and Neck Disease” for the 8th edition of Scott-Brown’s Otolaryngology, the leading multi-volume multi-author textbook in the specialty in the world. He is also chief editor for the forthcoming 6th edition of Stell & Maran’s Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology.

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Dr Peter Weiss

Director of Ventricular Arrhythmia Management and Robotics

Dr. Weiss is the Director of Ventricular Arrhythmia Management and Robotics at Banner University of Arizona Medical Center in Phoenix Arizona. He went to Medical school at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, Residency at University of Washington in Seattle, and did his fellowships in Cardiovascular Disease and Electrophysiology at Stanford University Medical Center and the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Weiss has performed more than 1000 robotic procedures and has travelled around the world sharing his knowledge and expertise on RMN (Robotic Magnetic Navigation) with other physicians. He is also on the board of the Society for Cardiac Robotic Navigation. Since September he has been building the robotic EP program at Banner University with the recently installed Genesis RMN System.

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Mark Wilson

Neurosurgeon, Pre-Hospital Specialist and Medical Director / Co-Founder

I am a Consultant Neurosurgeon and Clinical Professor of Brain Injury at Imperial College and a Flight Physician with Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance. I am also the medical director and co-founder of GoodSAM, a platform that provides cardiac arrest crowdsourcing, instant on scene video and many other solutions to emergency and healthcare services across the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US.

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Peter Rudd-Clarke

Legal Director


Peter Rudd-Clarke specialises in the life sciences and consumer products sectors. He advises on the regulation of medical devices, CE marking, clinical trials, consumer products and ongoing compliance matters. The litigation and risk management side to his practice sees Peter defending manufacturers of complex products, often across multiple jurisdictions.Peter presents and writes articles on issues such as artificial intelligence, supply chains, cross-border litigation, medical device regulations and Brexit. His articles have been published in publications such as Insurance Day, Post Magazine and Insider Quarterly and he has been quoted in the Times and insurance press discussing risk management issues.

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Mr Issaq Ahmed

Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon

NHS Lothian

Issaq Ahmed is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon based in Edinburgh. His active interests include enhanced recovery following robotic hip and knee replacement surgery.

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Mr Jim Adshead

Consultant Urological Robotic Surgeon

Lister Hospital, East & North Herts NHS Trust

Mr Jim Adshead qualified at Cambridge University and moved into a London training scheme. He completed a six year training programme in urology in the West London teaching hospitals and gained valuable experience in urological cancer and minimally invasive access during a laparoscopic fellowship year in Sydney, Australia. Currently appointed as a Consultant at The Lister Hospital, Stevenage for 10 years. Jim has produced national guidelines in consenting for urological surgery.

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Professor Alan Payne

Chief Information Officer

Sensyne Health

Alan is a qualified Management Accountant and an Honorary Professor in Intelligent Systems at UCL with over 25 years of experience as a technology leader in Healthcare, Financial Services and as a successful ‘technopreneur’. He has worked on 4 continents with knowledge of globalisation in local health systems, leveraging latest generation Cloud technologies with a passionate purpose to improve health outcomes at scale. Prior to this role, he ran his own company advising Healthcare policy institutions, 13485 regulated medical device and AI Healthcare companies. As a CIO he has also led global technology divisions for Aetna International, Nuffield Health, JPMorganChase, Merrill Lynch and AIG.

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John Bolger

Consultant Ophthalmologist


Mr Bolger is founder and co-owner of My iClinic, an independent eye hospital in London. He resigned his NHS consultant post in 1994 and has worked independently ever since. He is invited to lecture extensively both in Britain and abroad, and his surgery master classes are very highly rated. “I feel I would regard myself as an “early adopter”. First intraocular lens implants, then phacoemulsification and now, Smile. Small Incision Lenticule Extraction. I am very lucky that I entered ophthalmology just when it was about to undergo a series of revolutionary advances.

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Mr Chris Coulson

CEO / Consultant ENT Surgeon

University Hospitals Birmingham and endoscope-i Ltd

Chris Coulson is a ENT consultant at the Queen Elizabeth hospital, Birmingham. His fields of interest are endoscopic ear surgery, stapes surgery and cochlear implantation. He has a PhD in robotic surgery. He is the CEO of endoscope-i, a tech start-up company creating and delivering innovative healthcare solutions.

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Professor Sabine Ernst

Consultant in Cardiology, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust and Professor of Practice in Cardiology

Imperial College London, Dr. S Ernst Ltd

Prof. Ernst is a German cardiac electrophysiologist with a special expertise in complex arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation and ventricular arrhythmia both in paediatric and adult patients. She works at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London and is a Professor of Practice (Cardiology) at the National Heart and Lung Institute of Imperial College. She is one of the pioneers of remote magnetic navigation and has established this technique from its’ initiation to clinical routine using state of the art equipment including advanced 3D mapping techniques. Image integration from 3D acquisitions from magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography assist her in performing her interventions.

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Jaquie Finn

Head of Digital Health

Cambridge Consultants

Jaquie is Head of Digital Health at Cambridge Consultants and leads the initiative to provide strategic guidance and technical solutions for clients transitioning their business model to include a digital element. These digital elements include device connectivity, AI, security, launch strategies, behavioural science and digital service design. Jaquie has previously worked on the design and launch of a compliance & work management IoT service that is in commercial use. She has a BSc in Applied Biology, 10 years’ experience in Molecular Biology and 15 years’ experience of Product Management and Marketing for software, hardware and digital services in medical and life science industries that include immunology, ophthalmology, neuroscience and bioinformatics. Jaquie is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).

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Dr Maarten Grootendorst

Clinical Research Lead

Lightpoint Medical Ltd

Dr Grootendorst has 10 years of experience in clinical research and development at Lightpoint Medical, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital, London and Medisch Spectrum Twente, Netherlands. He has multiple publications on novel technologies for intraoperative cancer detection. He has a PhD from King’s College, London.

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Dr Matthew Howard

Director of Artificial Intelligence


Matthew leads the Deloitte Artificial Intelligence Studio team based in the UK, working cross industry to help clients understand and deliver the opportunities of rapidly evolving advanced data science and automation technologies and move from hype to real use cases and implementation. Matt has extensive experience of working in advanced healthcare technologies, recent experience includes design and deployment of automated patient referrals triage using AI, deployment of chatbots to support shared services and the use of AI to automate patient data processing. He has also worked with international governments on the application of AI and other emerging technologies for the improvement of policy development and provision of public services. His background includes academic research, start-up biotech, Big Pharma, IBM, and Deloitte Innovation. Prior to Deloitte he was the European Head of Watson Health, working with both pharmaceutical and healthcare organizations. Matthew is a member of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence (www.appg-ai.org).

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Emma Kislingbury



Emma is an Associate Solicitor at RPC, specialising in Medical/Life Sciences and Product Liability. She acts on a range of cases and represents insurers, private healthcare providers, healthcare practitioners and manufacturers of medical devices and pharmaceutical products in the defence of medical malpractice and product liability claims and in relation to clinical trials. She also represents healthcare organisations and practitioners at inquests, and advises on clinical governance issues, regulatory requirements, indemnity and coverage.

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James Kinross

Senior Lecturer in Colorectal Surgery and Consultant Surgeon

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

James Kinross is a Senior Lecturer in Surgery at Imperial College London. He performs robotic surgery for colorectal cancer. His group is developing smart sensing surgical instruments based on machine learning of chemical data used during surgery.

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Dr Christopher Kelly

Clinician Scientist

Google Health

Dr. Christopher Kelly is a clinician scientist working in Google Health’s artificial intelligence imaging and diagnostics team. He focuses on the safe translation of Google’s artificial intelligence research into real clinical impact. Prior to joining Google, he completed a PhD in medical imaging at King’s College London. As a clinician, he created an award-winning smartphone app called NeoMate, used worldwide to support doctors and nurses looking after sick newborn infants. He continues to practise as a paediatrician on the neonatal intensive care unit at St Thomas’ Hospital, London. Alongside medicine, Chris previously founded and sold two internet companies and is an active angel investor in technology startups.

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Dr Yvonne W Lui MD

Associate Professor, Associate Chair

Artificial Intelligence Department of Radiology, NYU Grossman School of Medicine and The Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, NYU Langone Health

Yvonne W. Lui, MD is Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Radiology at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and the Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences. The program she leads leverages technological advances in machine learning for medical imaging. She serves as the collaboration lead on major AI research partnerships with both academia and industry including NYU Courant Institute and Center for Data Science, Siemens Healthineers, and Facebook AI Research. Dr. Lui is a NIH-funded researcher in translational neuroimaging to study traumatic brain injury. She serves on NIH scientific review committees, is a member of the Standard Setting Committee and is a member of the board of directors of the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR), and Senior Editor for the American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR).

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Brent Mittelstadt

Research Fellow

Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford

Brent Mittelstadt is a Research Fellow and British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow in data ethics at the Oxford Internet Institute, a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, and a member of the UK National Statistician’s Data Ethics Advisory Committee. He is a philosopher and data ethicist with a particular focus on the ethical governance of complex algorithmic systems including machine learning, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, Big Data, and medical expert systems.

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Dr Rizwan Malik

Consultant Radiologist and Divisional Medical Director

Royal Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Rizwan Malik is a leading radiologist with an interest in health tech, digital imaging, and the potential of AI to support clinicians and patients. Rizwan studied medicine in Cambridge and London before qualifying as a radiologist. He joined what is now Bolton NHS Foundation Trust in 2006 and has held a number of increasingly senior roles at the organisation, where he became divisional medical director in 2020. Alongside his career in radiology, he has been a clinical advisor to leading imaging suppliers, and is managing director of South Manchester Radiology, a consultancy that advises the NHS and vendors on transformation and innovation, with a focus on imaging and AI.

Rizwan was instrumental in helping Bolton NHS Foundation Trust to introduce AI for chest x-rays, to help doctors identify deteriorating and improving Covid-19 patients. The project won the HealthTechToShoutAbout award in the Health Tech Awards 2020 as well as the AI in Medicine Best COVID-19 AI Solution 2020.

Rizwan says his priority is to see healthcare make similar gains in the future. “Both the healthcare system and its suppliers need to be asking: how can we go further?” he says.

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Professor Mahmoud Hafez

Professor of Orthopaedics

Faculty of Medicine, October 6 University

Prof Mahmoud Hafez is a pioneer in patient-specific instrument (PSI) technology (3D planning & printing for joint replacement). He was initially involved in developing a robot for knee surgery in 1998, with a team of surgeons, engineers and computer scientists from Hull, Dundee, and Loughborough Universities, UK. During his SpR training, he started an MD project at Leeds University in 2001 resulted in developing the novel PSI technique. He learned the theory and practice of navigation, AI, robotics, simulation and VR during his CAOS fellowship in Pittsburgh and Toronto (2004-2006). Currently, he is a Prof & head of the orthopaedic Dept, October 6 University, Cairo. In Egypt, he founded an R&D lab and filed 20 patents for the use of PSI in arthroplasty, tumours, trauma, deformities and infection. Now, he is using PSI routinely for complex and bilateral knee replacement in a cost-effective manner.

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Rayna Patel

CEO and Co-Founder

Vine Health

Dr Rayna Patel is a medical doctor & neuroscientist (Cambridge, Harvard, MIT, Columbia) with an MPhil in Translational Medicine funded by GSK. She has extensive experience in academia and was a Post-Doctoral Fellow of Clare Hall College, Cambridge. Rayna has subsequently held strategic & commercial roles in government policy, tech startups & the Cabinet Office’s Nudge Unit, where she used behavioural science to rewire patient behaviours through digital products. She is currently CEO and Co-Founder of Vine Health, a digital platform using a combination of behavioural science and AI to improve the quality of life and survival of cancer patients, whilst generating crucial real-world data to better inform healthcare delivery and drug development.

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Dr Michael Persky

Director of Head and Neck Robotic Surgery

NYU Grossman School of Medicine / NYU Langone Health

Dr. Michael Persky is an Otolaryngologist - Head & Neck Surgeon at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine in New York City. As the Director of Head & Neck Robotic Surgery, Dr. Persky focuses on the utility of robotic surgery in treating patients with head and neck cancer. He has talked nationally and internationally on the subject and is focused on advancing the field as technology forges ahead.

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Dr Danny Ruta

AI Clinical Lead, Guy’s Cancer Centre, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, Honorary Senior Lecturer

King’s College London

Danny is the AI Clinical Lead at the Guy’s Cancer Centre, and a co-director for the newly established Guy’s Cancer AI Clinical Evaluation Unit, a joint venture between the Cancer Centre and the NICE funded King’s Technology Evaluation Centre (KiTEC) at King’s College London.  The aim of the unit is to develop and apply an AI validation framework, evidence standards and methods to the clinical evaluation of AI technology in cancer care.

Danny has formerly held posts as Director of Public health for the London Borough of Lewisham and the City of Newcastle, and as Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology and Health Services Research at Newcastle University and Dundee University. Danny has developed national clinical guidelines for the NHS in Scotland, conducted large randomised trials, and developed Patient Reported Outcome measures recommended by the US FDA, used with patients across the NHS in England and throughout the world.

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Mr Tom Routledge

Consultant in Thoracic Surgery

London Bridge Hospital

One of Europe’s leading robotic thoracic surgeons with a strong interest in surgical robotics as a part of multi-disciplinary cancer treatments.

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Dr. Edwin Rajadurai

Managing Director


Dr. Edwin Rajadurai is the Managing Director of Servca. Servca is an independent international specialist Lloyd’s Broker specialising in professional, financial, and medical indemnity insurance and risk management. Having qualified as a medical doctor in 2011, Edwin can apply his clinical knowledge to offer a medical perspective when dealing with underwriters, clients, and stakeholders alike. Edwin expanded the international healthcare liability division, which encompasses Medical Malpractice, Life Sciences & Pharmaceuticals risks throughout the UK, Europe, USA, and Canada. His priority is to provide bespoke advice and support to brokers and their doctor clients on medical malpractice and ensure doctors receive the best policy tailored to them. Servca’s specialist wordings and unique in-house medical knowledge offer comprehensive support to all clients with an educational and personal touch. His commitment, enthusiasm, and innovative approach in assisting medical practitioners and underwriters give him kudos in the London and Lloyd’s market.

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Mr Paul Sankey

Partner / Solicitor

Enable Law

Paul is a solicitor and partner at Enable Law based in Bristol. He specialises in clinical negligence, acting for patients. He has a particular interest in claims involving adults with brain injuries, amputations, sepsis and the delayed diagnosis of cancer. He lectures and publishes articles regularly on medico-legal issues and has spoken on radio and television. He is involved in training medical experts and giving core training on legal issues to medical professionals. He is recognised as a leader in the field by the independent legal directories Chambers and Legal 500.

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Professor Vinidh Paleri

Consultant ENT Surgeon

The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Vinidh is a Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon at The Royal Marsden Hospitals and Professor of Robotic and Endoscopic Head and Neck Surgery at the Institute of Cancer Research, London. He has expertise in Transoral Robotic Surgery and Transoral Laser Microsurgery for head and neck cancers. He has pioneered a new robotic technique to remove radiorecurrent and radioresidual cancers and is the first surgeon in the UK to perform robotic free flap reconstructions. He is the primary or co-recipient for over £3 million in grant funding, has published over 170 papers, and co-edited the fourth and fifth editions of the UK National Head and Neck Cancer Multidisciplinary Management Guidelines. He has also edited the volume on “Head and Neck Disease” for the 8th edition of Scott-Brown’s Otolaryngology, the leading multi-volume multi-author textbook in the specialty in the world. He is also chief editor for the forthcoming 6th edition of Stell & Maran’s Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology.

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Dr Peter Weiss

Director of Ventricular Arrhythmia Management and Robotics

Banner University of Arizona Medical Center

Dr. Weiss is the Director of Ventricular Arrhythmia Management and Robotics at Banner University of Arizona Medical Center in Phoenix Arizona. He went to Medical school at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, Residency at University of Washington in Seattle, and did his fellowships in Cardiovascular Disease and Electrophysiology at Stanford University Medical Center and the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Weiss has performed more than 1000 robotic procedures and has travelled around the world sharing his knowledge and expertise on RMN (Robotic Magnetic Navigation) with other physicians. He is also on the board of the Society for Cardiac Robotic Navigation. Since September he has been building the robotic EP program at Banner University with the recently installed Genesis RMN System.

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